Thermographic Atlas of Belgrade, 2012

This project was done by Faculty of Architecture of University of Belgrade, for the Energy Administration of City of Belgrade. Members of nekolikoarhitekata were part of the team which conducted the research.

The aim of this research is to indicate possibilities for the energy efficiency upgrade of Belgrade residential building stock. The selected 32 buildings were analyzed through thermographic camera imaging, general building data, construction detail and thermal layer analysis. Measures of energy efficiency upgrades for each analyzed building are defined considering its specific architectural characteristics. A set of most rational measures, its costs and effects on energy savings is defined for each building.



Doc. Dušan Ignjatović, project coordinator

Ass.Mr. Natasa Ćukovic- Ignjatović, author

M.Arch Bojana Stanković, author

M.Arch Anita Mraović, author

M.Arch Sanja Alorić, author

M.Arch Brankica Šutić, author

M.Arch Dušan Trifunović, author

M.Arch Petar Tufegdžić, author

B.Arch Macut Nikola, author

Prof. Dr. Milica Jovanović- Popović, expert consultant